Classroom Policies and Procedures:


-There will be homework given almost every night. Homework will be turned in on the given due date (typically the next school day), or points will be taken off.

-I expect you to study for all tests and quizzes. Learning happens inside and outside the classroom.

-For all groups projects, all group members should complete an equal amount of work.


-Most grades will be taken out of 100%. Sometimes, a check plus(100), check (85), or check minus (65) will be granted.

-Participation is something I take grades for because speaking a language is important. Participation is: answering questions in class, coming to class (unless there is an excused absence), and turning in all assignments on time. Participation is worth 10% or your final grade average.


-The Golden Rule: RESPECT

-Respect Others- Treat others how you want to be treated. If you are nice to others, chances are they will be nice to you.

-Respect Adults- Raising hands, not talking while the teacher is talking, and being pleasant in and outside of class is respect adults (any adults in the school).

-Respect Yourself- Do not wait to the last minute to complete a big assignment. Knowledge is a great tool and learning can occur anywhere- you owe it to yourself! :)


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